Tartu Model United Nations

Frequently Asked Questions

In case you have some questions about Tartu MUN you could find some answers here. If not, use the contacts below.


Who can apply for Tartu MUN 2019?

Tartu MUN is primarily aimed to university students, but we also accept high-school students and recent graduates. We have a minimum age limit of 18. It doesn’t matter what you study or how much you know of international relations – we look forward to seeing you!

Is previous experience required to attend?

No, on the contrary, we look forward to seeing new faces around!

Should I know any Estonian?

No, the conference is held in English.

Is it possible to choose which country I will represent or which political group I will be part of during the simulation?

MUN is aimed at simulating the real UN, as such some countries do have more power in its work, thus it’d be unfair to let people choose the country they are representing.

Is it possible to form a delegation to take part in the simulation?

Yes, this is entirely possible, delegation members do still need to register separately via the usual registration form.


​​How much is the participation fee and what does it cover?

The participation fee is 35 euros for early registrations (until 28 February) and 45 or 55 euros for those who register later. Delegate application close on 14 April.

The fee covers:

– participation in the four-day conference,

– delegate’s kit and all necessary materials,

– coffee breaks and snacks,

– last night Estonian themed dinner,

– entrance to all the socials and afterpartys.

How can I pay for the participation fee?

Bank name: LHV Pank

Account number: EE207700771002803880

Name: Mõttekoda RSR

In the description please write your full name and Tartu MUN.

In case I have to cancel, is the participation fee refundable?

You still have a chance to cancel if you have registered but have not yet paid the participation fee. The participation fee is not refundable. 

Do I have to pay for the entire participation fee even though I live in Tartu?

Yes, the participation fee does not differ based on that.



Email: tartumun@gmail.com

Phone: +372 59052320

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